1. I didn’t realise that women’s volleyball had been played at world championship level for such a long time.

    1. Hi Jenny, thanks for your comment. Yes, women’s volleyball world championships have been around since 1949.

  2. I didn’t know any of these fun facts about women’s volleyball world championships! I can’t believe Russia has won the gold medal for five times.

    1. Hi Jen, thanks for your comment. Glad to know that you found these facts interesting. Yes, Russia is one of the top teams in women’s volleyball.

  3. Rhian Scammell says:

    What an interesting read. As someone who knows pretty much nothing about volleyball (other than what I read on your blog) I had no idea about these x

    1. Hi Rhian Scammell, thanks for your kind words. Glad to know that you found this post helpful.

  4. marie Cris Angeles says:

    Another great learning from this blog post. My sister always looks forward to your blog post.

    1. Hi marie Cris Angeles, thanks so much! How’s your sister doing in volleyball?

  5. What an interesting read, I had no idea women did not start until the early 50’s I am learning so much from your posts

    1. Hi Samantha Donnelly, thanks a lot for your kind words. Glad to know that you’ve found this post helpful to learn about volleyball.

  6. From what I’ve heard, Serbia has a great track record with volleyball in general, so I’m not surprised they’re the top at the moment.

    1. Hi Claudia, thanks for your comment. Yes, Serbia is one of the top countries in women’s volleyball.

  7. This is a great resource for beginning players on women’s volleyball championships. Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

    1. Hi Crysti, glad to know that you found this post useful!

      1. I had no idea that Serbia are the World champions – I would have said Brazil, or maybe Australia? I’ve never played, but have watched it during the Olympics

        1. Hi Tracey Kifford, thanks for your comment. Glad to know that you’ve watched volleyball matches During Olympics. Brazil along with Serbia are some of the top teams in women’s volleyball.

  8. This totally reminds me of playing volleyball in middle school!

    1. Hi Gina P, thanks for your comment. Very happy to know that you were a volleyball player during your middle school days.

  9. Nice info.. didn’t know all this..!

        1. Hi Puloma Bhattacharya, thank you very much!

  10. Volley ball got me through my school days! Wish there was information like this available back then. Thanks for sharing !

    1. Hi Pradnya, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the info in this post useful. Very happy to know that you played volleyball during your school days!

  11. Wow, I really didn’t know anything about Women’s Volleyball Championships. Thanks for the informative and interesting read!

    1. Hi Cassie, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post interesting to read.

  12. Thanks for sharing all these facts, I had no idea about the rich history of womens volleyball.

    1. Hi Jenny, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve learned some interesting facts about women’s volleyball from this post.

  13. This was super cool! I had no idea there was so much to know about volleyball. I actually didn’t know it was that old.

    1. Hi Ben, thanks for your comment. Glad you enjoyed reading this post.

  14. I had no idea about this. You share so helpful information about volley ball which many of us didn’t knew.

    1. Hi Khush, thank you so very much! Glad you found the info in this post helpful.

  15. Melissa Cushing says:

    This is such a great post and your site is a great resource for volleyball players of all levels. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi Melissa Cushing, thanks for your encouraging comment. Glad you found the info from this site about playing volleyball helpful.

  16. Melanie Williams says:

    I did not know any of these facts so it is super interesting. I bet it’s a harder sport than it looks for sure, but I may try this out come summer x

    1. Hi Melanie Williams, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the post interesting to read. So happy to know that you are planning to try playing volleyball this summer. All the very best!

  17. Volleyball is such an amazing sport! I enjoy the facts and information about this game that builds deeper relationship with this sport. Awesome!

    1. Hi Celebrate Woman Today, thanks for your comment. Glad to know that you found this post interesting to read.

  18. It’s hard to believe that it wasn’t until 1952 that the women’s team was recognized officially. That’s actually not a very long time. I’m so proud of women’s sports and how far it has come in all sports.

    1. Hi Tammy, thanks for your comment. Actually, women’s volleyball was recognized by international volleyball governing body in 1947 and it is very true that women’s sport has definitely come a long way for sure. The women athletes are achieving some awesome things in sports!

  19. I really need to watch some of the Women’s Volleyball World Championships! Thank you for sharing these interesting facts.

    1. Hi Jupiter Hadley, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the facts interesting to read.

  20. It’s incredible to learn about how the sport has evolved over the years, from its humble beginnings to becoming a global phenomenon.

    1. Hi Lavanda Michelle, thanks for your comment. I totally agree!

  21. As always I have learned something new about women’s volleyball and the sport in general. I think I knew that Serbia had a great team!

    1. Hi Lisa, thanks for your comment. Glad you learned some facts about women’s volleyball from this post. So happy that you already knew Serbia had a great women’s volleyball team.

  22. Melanie E says:

    It sounds like the Russian volleyball team did really well having won the first three women’s volleyball world championships. Their team must have been exceptional at the time.

    1. Hi Melanie E, thanks for your comment. I totally agree! Russian women’s volleyball team was one of the best at that time.

  23. I do love learning new things, and love reading interesting facts, I never knew so much about Volleyball than I do now

    1. Hi Samantha Donnelly, thanks for your comment. Glad you learned some interesting facts about volleyball from this post.

  24. This was such an interesting read, getting to know more facts about women’s volleyball. I had no idea that it had been around for seven decades!

    1. Hi Yeah Lifestyle, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post interesting to read and you’ve learnt some facts about women’s volleyball.

  25. This is interesting stuff. I can honestly say I had no idea Women’s Volleyball dates back seven decades. Impressive.

    1. Hi Kelly, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the facts in this post interesting to read.

  26. This was an interesting read. I think it’s great they opened up the women’s play to all comers right from the start!

    1. Hi Beth, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post interesting to read.

  27. oh wow! I had no idea that women were only included in 1952! I thought they were included a lot sooner…Very very Interesting.

    1. Hi karen, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post interesting to read.

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