1. Thanks for sharing these interesting facts about women’s volleyball. I definitely didn’t know them and this was quite an educating read.

    1. Hi Hadassah Treu, thanks a lot for your encouraging words. Glad to know that you found this post interesting.

  2. Thank you for these interesting facts about women’s volleyball. I was certainly unaware of many of them. Thank you for increasing awareness!

    1. Hi Lisa, thanks for your encouraging words. Glad to know that you found this post interesting.

  3. Thanks for sharing these interesting facts about women’s volleyball. I had no idea Cuba has won three consecutive gold medals.

    1. Hi Crysti, thanks for your comment. Yes, Cuba is one of the strongest teams in women’s volleyball.

  4. Loved reading these facts about women’s volleyball. It’s a great resource for future reference as well. Thank you!

    1. Hi Padma, thanks for your comment. Glad you enjoyed reading about the women’s volleyball related facts.

  5. Great facts about women’s volleyball. I had no idea beach volleyball was introduced to the Olympic games in 1996. it’s quite a recent addition.

    1. Hi Archana Singh, thanks for your comment. Glad you enjoyed reading about women’s volleyball related facts.

  6. I played volleyball in My school days. Wish I knew this back then ! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Pradnya, thanks for your comment. Very happy to know that you played volleyball in your school days.

  7. Melanie E says:

    It’s been so long since I played last I don’t remember much. These facts were interesting, oh wow 3 golds!!!!

    1. Hi Melanie E, thanks for your comment. Glad you enjoyed reading about the women’s volleyball facts. Happy to know that you played volleyball in the past.

  8. I don’t know much about volleyball at all, men’s or women’s. But really interesting to read a few facts about it.

    1. Hi Natasha Mairs, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve learned some interesting facts about women’s volleyball from this post.

  9. I never knew about the Cuba women’s volleyball team’s impressive three consecutive Olympic gold medals—it’s truly remarkable!

    1. Hi Lavanda Michelle, thanks for your comment. Yes, the Cuba women’s 3 consecutive Olympic gold medal victory is truly sensational.

  10. Those were some very interesting facts about volleyball. I didn’t realize beach volleyball began that recently. I love watching it.

    1. Hi Cindy, thanks for your comment. Yes, beach volleyball is super exciting to watch.

  11. The facts about the USA women’s beach volleyball team winning Olympic gold for three consecutive times from 2004 to 2012 and Cuba’s national women’s volleyball team achieving the same feat stand out for their remarkable achievements and lasting impact on the sport’s history. These milestones showcase exceptional skill, dedication, and teamwork, making them truly inspiring for both players and fans alike.

    1. Hi Nick T, thanks for your comment. I can’t agree with you more on your points! Those achievements are truly inspiring.

  12. Victoria Prasad says:

    I would have to say that I am most fascinated by fact #9:
    Tijana Boskovic of Serbia: fastest serve hit by a female player until now. Her serve clocked in at 101KPH.
    That is incredibly fast! Wow!

    1. Hi Victoria Prasad, thanks for your comment. Yes, it is a fastest serve performed by a women’s volleyball player. It is truly a unique achievement to accomplish.

  13. Wow, a lot of interesting facts about women’s volleyball! I really enjoyed this read, thank you!

    1. Hi Cassie, thanks for your comment. Glad you enjoyed reading about the interesting facts of women’s volleyball!

  14. Holy cow! 101kmph is CRAZY FAST. I would hate to be staring down the barrel of that serve.

    1. Hi Ben, thanks for your comment. Yes, it’d be pretty challenging for the serve receivers to receive a serve of that pace. Most will surely struggle to return it successfully.

  15. I love the 17 year old who was the youngest to win. That is really cool. Talk about talent!

    1. Hi Claudia, thanks for your comment. Yes it is an incredible achievement, and she’s definitely one of a kind talent for sure!

  16. I did not realize it was 1964 when volleyball was first at the Olympics. And 3 golds in the Olympics is just amazing! I’m inspired to get to the beach!

    1. Hi Laura, thanks for your enthusiastic comment. Glad you enjoyed reading about the interesting facts of women’s volleyball. 3 Olympic gold medals consecutively is without a doubt, an awesome achievement. So happy to know that you are inspired to get to the beach and give a crack at beach volleyball! All the very best!

  17. It’s so good to know more about women’s volleyball. Thanks for sharing this information

    1. Hi Khush, thanks for your comment. Glad you enjoyed reading about the interesting facts of women’s volleyball.

  18. I especially enjoyed reading about the Cuba national women’s volleyball team’s incredible three consecutive Olympic gold medals – what an impressive feat!

    1. Hi Lavanda Michelle, thanks for your comment. I can’t agree with you more! It is an incredible accomplishment!

  19. Rhian Scammell says:

    I didn’t even realise volleyball was in the Olympics so it turns out I know very little about the sport. Thanks for sharing these facts x

    1. Hi Rhian Scammell, thanks for your comment. Glad you learned something about volleyball from this post today.

  20. Thank you for sharing these interesting facts. I have never played volleyball before, so it’s great that many women get involved in the sport.

    1. Hi Lisa, thanks for your comment. Women’s volleyball is an integral part of the sport and you need to watch they play if you get a chance. It is exilarating!

  21. It is so interesting to learn more about the history of women’s volleyball. As you say, it is an exciting sport to watch and of course super fun to play. Thanks for the information.

    1. Hi Yeah Lifestyle, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the info in this post helpful to learn about the history of women’s volleyball. Yes, it is an exciting and at the same time, fun sport to play as well.

  22. The facts about the Cuba national women’s volleyball team winning three consecutive Olympic gold medals and the USA women’s beach volleyball team achieving the same feat for three consecutive times are particularly captivating. These achievements showcase remarkable dedication, teamwork, and skill, making them stand out as truly remarkable milestones in women’s volleyball history.

    1. Hi Nick T, thanks for your comment. Glad you found these facts about the women’s volleyball fascinating to know. Yes, those 2 facts are truly fabulous in many ways.

  23. I never realized how popular volleyball is! Thanks for sharing great info about women’s volleyball!

    1. Hi Heather, thank you very much. Glad you found these facts about women’s volleyball enjoyable to read.

  24. The Cuban team is amazing. 3 consecutive golds is a HUGE feat!

    1. Hi Beth, thanks for your comment. I totally agree that winning 3 Olympic gold medals consecutively is truly a stunning achievement.

  25. Great article and facts. I liked this one… “Beach volleyball was introduced to the Olympic games in 1996” – very interesting, indeed. 🙂

    1. Hi Youngandoldermum, thank you so very much!

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