1. Great article! My kids are grown, but as a former volleyball player I enjoyed reading it. Keep it up!

    1. Hi Danoue, thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed reading this post. Very happy to know that you are a former volleyball player.

  2. thanks for sharing this useful guide on do’s and don’ts for parents in volleyball tryouts , very informative & detailed. cheers SiennyLovesDrawing

    1. Hi SiennyLovesDrawing, thank you very much!

  3. Great advice for parents at volleyball tryouts! Balancing support with respect for coaches is key. Thanks for the insights!

    1. Hi Lavanda, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the tips in this post helpful for volleyball parents. I completely agree with your thoughts on being respectful to the coaches during a tryout. It is so important.

  4. It must be quite tough to find that balance of light motivation but also like pushing them to do their best. Great tips here for any parents x

    1. Hi Rhian, thanks for your comment. Glad you found these tips helpful for volleyball parents.

  5. I think the tip about body language is so important. Keeping everything positive, not just what you say makes a huge difference when supporting a child at their try outs

    1. Hi Zena, thanks for your comment. I totally agree with your points!

  6. These are really great tips especially for parents! Volleyball tryouts is not always easy but cheering on them matter what happens is a big plus!

    1. Hi Stephanie, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful for volleyball parents.

  7. What a great Dos & Don’ts guide for parents and children trying out for Volleyball. It’s so important for parents to support their children during tryouts but be mindful of what you say and how you do things, it can reflect your children’s energy.

    1. Hi LisaLisa, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helppful for volleyball parents. I completely agree with your points!

  8. Melanie E says:

    Volleyball tryouts can be both fun and stressful for kids. Being supportive no matter the outcome is important and helps relieve some of the pressure they may feel.

    1. Hi Melanie E, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the tips in this post helpful. I completely agree with your points.

  9. You always share really great tips. Positivity and boosting their confidence and just giving support to your child during volleyball try outs is so important.

    1. Hi Yeah Lifestyle, thanks for your encouraging comment. Glad you found this post helpful.

  10. Great post and guide. It’s tough being supportive and enthusiastic without adding to the mounting pressure. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Tammy, thanks for your comment. I understand your thought but when parents do support their child even through growing pressure, it surely reflects in the performance.

  11. It’s challenging for any child trying out in any sport so a positive mindset and encouragement is needed. You’ve laid out easily this guide for parents.

    1. Hi Lisa, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful for volleyball parents.

  12. A guide for how parents should behave during tryouts is 100% needed lol I’ve seen some of these parents in tryouts, they go crazy lo….Great guide.

    1. Hi Karen, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful for volleyball parents. It is unfortunate to hear, but this is what happens some times.

  13. It can be hard as a parent to stand on the side and watch their child and team play without shouting and thinking they are the coach. This is a great guide in what all parents should do when watching their child play any sport

    1. Hi Samantha Donnelly, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful. I totally agree with your points!

  14. I am not really much of a volleyball player so, these tips are really helpful. Will keep in mind not to give coaching instructions from the sidelines. Thank you for reminding us to stay chill and not get overwhelmed that we end up embarrassing our kids.

    1. Hi Clarice, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the tips in this post helpful.

  15. These suggestions are great and so many can be applied to other sports too. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Youngandoldermum, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful for volleyball parents.

  16. I agree with all of these. My son used to play soccer and we definitely don’t argue with the coaches and we always stay positive.

    1. Hi Lynndee, thanks for your comment. Glad to know that your son played soccer and you agree with the tips in this post.

  17. Love this article. As a parent of a volleyball player who is just starting out and will try out for her school volleyball team next month, these are great reminders.

    1. Hi Dahlia A, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the tips in this post helpful. Very happy to know that your child is starting out in volleyball and they’ll be trying out next month. All the very best!

  18. I LOVE that you included parents keeping their coaching opinions to themselves. I have had to sit by some parents who thought they should be the coach. Woof. It was hard to hear, and their kids looked absolutely mortified.

    1. Hi Beth, thanks for your thought provoking comment. I 100% agree with your points. Parent’s bad behaviour embarrasses their kids more than anyone else in the tryout/match venue.

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