What to Do Before Starting to Play Competitive Volleyball? A Detailed Guide

You learn you can do your best even when it’s hard, even when you’re tired and maybe hurting a little bit. It feels good to show some courage.
Joe Namath
Source: How they play.
You are serious about playing competitive volleyball. You are passionate about it and practicing consistently in perfecting your skills. You are confident about the overall progress up to this point.
But have you ever wondered what to do before starting to play competitive volleyball as a volleyball player?
If not, no worries. This guide is for you!
In this one, I’ll talk all about what to do before starting to play competitive volleyball.
Let’s get started! Shall we?
Did you know? The first Olympic gold medal in volleyball for men’s was won by Russia (former USSR.) The first Olympic gold medal in volleyball for women’s was snapped up by Japan.
What to Do Before Starting to Play Competitive Volleyball
Don’t Get into Competitive Volleyball before Knowing What it’s All About
This might sound obvious to some, but it is a necessary aspect that you need to take into consideration before starting to play competitive volleyball.
Getting excited about playing competitive volleyball is fine and when you don’t have any idea on what it’s all about, you’ll find it pretty challenging to cope up with its demands.
It’s true that if you put your mind to playing competitive volleyball, you can definitely do it and having a thorough idea on what it’s all about will make it much easier for you to get used to the competitiveness you are going to encounter in each match.
Some of the ways you can get to know what competitive volleyball is all about includes:
- Talking to a competitive volleyball coach, understand the fundamentals, asking relevant questions and clarifying your doubts.
- Watching competitive volleyball matches to get an idea of the kind of competition you can expect in it.
- Talking to former players if possible and learning how to go about it as a beginner competitive volleyball player.
The only thing you shouldn’t do is to be on the fence about playing competitive volleyball. You must be firm on whether you want or don’t want to play. This way, you don’t waste your time and start moving in the right direction.
Clearly Understand the Level of Competition You’ll Get in Competitive Volleyball Matches
The next step you need to take is to clearly understand the level of competition you’ll get in competitive volleyball matches. What it does is that you’ll prepare yourself and be in the right mindset in order to counter it successfully.
So how do you understand the level of competition you’ll get in competitive volleyball matches?
There are a couple of ways to do it.
Number 1, watching competitive volleyball matches and number 2, talking to experienced players and getting their invaluable guidance.
There’s nothing wrong about jumping into the competitive volleyball scene and trying it out for yourself. But at the same time, you need to enjoy doing it as well. For this to happen, it’s very important that you have a good understanding on the level of competition involved in competitive volleyball.
This will also help you to give your absolute best on the court.
Have Clarity on the Effort and Work You need to Dedicate towards Playing Competitive Volleyball
Competitive volleyball is tough. There’s no doubt about it.
It involves a lot of physical and mental work and takes a lot of effort out of you to make things happen.
So it’s essential that you have clarity on the effort and work you need to dedicate for playing competitive volleyball.
It is very different from playing high school/middle school or collegiate volleyball. The overall competition in every match is significantly higher and the amount of training/effort you need to put in is also more than what you’ve done already.
When you don’t have a clarity on the effort and work you need to dedicate for playing competitive volleyball, the overall experience is ruined and you definitely won’t be able to enjoy it.
So being clear on the requirements is crucial to become a successful competitive volleyball player.
Prepare Yourself for Competitive Volleyball Matches
Now that you’ve hopefully done all the pre work, it’s time to prepare yourself both physically and mentally to play competitive volleyball matches.
Volleyball is as much physical as it is a mental game and therefore, properly preparing for it gives you a best chance to perform successfully in each match.
So many things involved in playing competitive volleyball and continuing to learn about the sport will keep you in good space.
Apart from that, preparing yourself to handle the positives and the not so positives in terms of results, things happen on and off the court will significantly help you in the long run.
Prepare Yourself for the Highs and Lows
Playing competitive volleyball isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. There will be highs and lows. It applies to all sports and sport players.
Volleyball is a fast-paced sport and on their day, any team can beat anyone. You must keep this in mind before stepping on to the court for each match.
Sometimes your team might win a championship despite not being in a best form and other-times; you’d lose in spite of putting in a significant amount of effort throughout the match. Trust me, it can take you for an emotional roller coaster ride. That’s sports for you.
It’s filled with the highs and lows/wins and losses. So as a competitive volleyball player, you should be able to handle both of them efficiently.
The best way to deal the highs and lows of playing competitive volleyball is to build a solid relationship with your team mates. In my experience, the benefits are endless.
Your team mates are the ones who will be with you in both wins and losses. Celebrating a win with them can be wonderful and helping each other during losses and tough times increase your bond with one another multifold.
Surround Yourself with the Right Bunch of People
This is so important. Surrounding yourself with the right people will help you go further in playing competitive volleyball.
They are the ones who will celebrate your victories and cheer you on when you are going through tough times. They are the ones who get what you are going through and offer helping hand if needed.
They are the ones who knows how competitive volleyball works and provide tips on handling certain situations.
When you are with the right people, it builds a positive environment to thrive in the competitive volleyball space.
The benefits of keeping company with the right people and having a supportive team of friends are truly endless.
Watch Actual Competitive Volleyball Matches
This is obvious. By watching actual competitive volleyball matches, you can get good at so many skills on making effective plays.
You’ll also be able to pick up and practice so many skills. You can then practice and implement them in a match if and when needed.
Here are some of the benefits of watching competitive volleyball matches.
- Watching competitive volleyball matches improve your overall confidence.
- It helps you to pick up so many different skills and nuances of the sport.
- You’ll be able to learn and practice various skills related to your role in the team.
- Watching competitive volleyball matches aid you to learn and understand how teams strategize and play throughout the match.
FAQs on What to Do Before Starting to Play Competitive Volleyball
What is the First Thing to Do Before Playing Competitive Volleyball?
In my opinion, the first thing you need to do before starting to play competitive volleyball is to get the basics mastered. When you make basic errors in a competitive volleyball setting, it may not go well with anyone. So mastering the basics is essential.
What is the First Skill that a Player Needs to Familiarize in Competitive Volleyball?
The most valuable skill that you need to familiarize yourself in competitive volleyball is bringing the momentum back to your team and arresting opponent’s momentum. Mastering this skill is tricky and it won’t happen quickly.
Mastering it can be challenging as well but if you could do it successfully, then you are undoubtedly be the most valuable player in your team.
How Do I Prepare My Body for Competitive Volleyball?
The best way to prepare your body for playing competitive volleyball is through strength and endurance training.
Competitive volleyball involves power game and longer rallies. So strength and endurance training will be pretty handy to tackle these effectively.
I’ve put together this post not to intimidate players who are thinking about playing competitive volleyball. Rather, the main aim of it is to give you an honest account on what it takes to play competitive volleyball.
I really hope that you are able to learn key points on what to do before starting to play competitive volleyball.
Now, it’s your turn!
What are the strategies you follow to play competitive volleyball?
Would you like to add any other points to this list?
Share them in the comments section below!
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Thank you for these helpful tips about what to do before playing competitive volleyball. I agree that it’s important to master the basics first, and I also see your point about being decisive. You should not be half-hearted about it. Great advice!
Hi Lisa, thanks for your valuable points and kind words. Glad to know that you found this post relatable.
Thanks for this complete guide for preparing for competitive volleyball. Your comments about momentum make a lot of sense.
Hi Crysti, thank you very much! Very glad to know that you found the tips in this post helpful!
Such an informative article regarding competitive volleyball! I can certainly understand the importance of watching competitive volleyball and talking to experienced players to get an idea if it is in fact something you want to do. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Jenna, thanks for your comment. Glad to know that you found this post helpful.
Really interesting read and I think it can be applied to other sports too. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Youngandoldermum, thanks for your comment. Glad to know that you found this post helpful.
I can certainly see why it’s important to prepare your mind and body before starting competitive volleyball. Talking to a coach who has lots of experience is a must. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Jenna, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful to learn about competitive volleyball.
Competitive sports have changed a lot over the years. It is good to know what to expect when it comes to volleyball.
Hi Marysa, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful to know about competitive volleyball.
I think this goes for any sport really. It is so important to have an understanding of exactly what the sport entails once you start it competitively.
Hi Laura, thanks for your valuable comment. I totally agree with you and the things I’ve discussed in this post will be applicable for anyone who’s trying to play a sport competitively.
Competitive volleyball sounds like a great sport to get involved with, thanks for sharing these tips.
Hi Jenny, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post useful to learn about competitive volleyball.
This is also very useful information, I’ve only play volleyball a few times when I was at school and Uni but would love to give it another go – such fun team sport
Laura x
Hi Laura Side Street, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the info in this post helpful. Very happy to know that you played volleyball in your school days.
Thank you for this amazing and detailed guide for competitive volleyball. It’s always helpful to know what to do and have some background information before beginning.
Hi Debbie, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve found this post helpful to learn about playing competitive volleyball.
This detailed guide on what to do before playing competitive volleyball is incredibly helpful! As someone new to the sport, I appreciate the comprehensive advice, from training tips to gear recommendations.
Hi Catherine Kay, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful to learn about playing competitive volleyball.
This is a great article! As a former high school volleyball player and having a daughter interested in volleyball, there are some great advice here. I loved playing volleyball and I know my daughter is enjoying her current level of play.
Hi Dahlia A, thanks for your encouraging words. Glad you found this post helpful. Very happy to know that you played volleyball in your high-school days and your daughter too is playing volleyball. Convey my best wishes to her!
That’s a very informative post. It so important to know how to prepare for the matches both mentally and physically.
Hi Khush, thanks for your comment. I completely agree with you!
Great advice! Understanding the demands and nature of competitive volleyball beforehand is crucial for success and adapting to the game’s challenges.
Hi Lavanda Michelle, thanks for your thoughtful comment. I completely agree with your points!
So much to know before playing competitive volleyball. Thanks for sharing this as I’d not have known most of this x
Hi Rhian Scammell, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful.
Being prepared and knowing how to prepare for matches is important. Plenty of practice is essential for a fast paced sport like volleyball.
Hi Melanie E, thanks for your comment. I completely agree with your points.
Interesting read. Made my son read it.. thanks..
Hi Eshna, thanks for your comment. Glad that you and your son read this post. Is he thinking about joining competitive volleyball?
The breakdown of what to expect beforehand is really helpful – understanding the competition level, commitment required, and mental preparation are all important.
Hi Paula Montgomery, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful.
Great article! Volleyball is such a fun sport. This article is perfect for anyone looking to learn about Volleyball.
Hi Diomayra, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful.
I love your site on all things Volleyball and this post is perfect for those upcoming volleyplayers out there looking for great advice. Love this and appreciate you sharing!
Hi Melissa Cushing, thank you very much for your encouraging comment! Happy to know that you find this blog helpful to learn about all things volleyball.
It is really so important to fully prepare yourself about what to expect.you shared some amazing tips.
Hi Khush, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve found this post helpful.
Understanding the ins and outs of competitive volleyball is crucial before diving in. Talking to coaches, watching matches, and learning from former players are great steps to prepare yourself mentally and physically. Firm commitment is key—no room for uncertainty!
Hi Lavanda Michelle, thanks for your thought provoking comment. I completely agree with you. Firm committement is definitely the key in succeeding as a competitive volleyball player.
There are a lot of competitive volleyball teams near us. A lot of high schoolers at our school do quite a bit of traveling!
Hi Marysa, thanks for your comment. Very happy to know that you have many competitive volleyball teams near your area which means a lot of opportunities for beginner players to learn about the various inner workings of the sport.
Great article! Being informed helps you mentally prepare for the challenges ahead no matter the situation. It’s important even as a spectator. Great tips, thank-you!🌟🏐
Hi Jordan Duran, thanks for your encouraging comment. Glad you found this post helpful. I completely agree that being prepared before starting to play competitive volleyball helps a player in so many ways.
These are excellent tips. When you enter the next level of any sport – or field for that matter – it pays to do your homework and see exactly what you’ll be up against and what’s expected of you.
Hi Ben, thanks for your valuable comment. I totally agree with your points!
Great post! i would love to share this blog with some youth I know who have natural talent in this sport.
Hi JRC, thanks for your comment. So glad to hear that you know some beginner volleyball players who have natural talent in this post and you’d like to share it with them. Thank you so much for that!
Nice guide! I appreciate you sharing these tips to play volleyball.
Hi Danwil Reyes, thank you so much!
Really interesting read. I think it’s so important to have as much information as you can so you know what you’re getting into before you start to do anything competitive x
Hi Rhian Scammell, thanks for your comment. I completely agree!
This is something very useful for those considering this kind of sports – volleyball. Thank you for being too thoughtful for coming up with this.
Hi berlin, thanks a lot!
This is a great guide for anyone looking to play volleyball competitively! I do not play but used too when I was in school and much younger. Love this and thanks for sharing!
Hi Melissa Cushing, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful. Very happy to know that you played volleyball in your schooling days.
I have never really played a competitive sport. But I bet you have to be really physically fit to play really competitive sport like this.
Hi Natasha Mairs, thanks for your comment. I completely agree with you. Fitness is a key aspect of playing competitive volleyball.
I agree it is important to know about playing volleyball competitively rather than for fun. It does change so being knowledgeable can make a huge difference
Hi Samantha Donnelly, thanks for your comment. Couldn’t agree more with you that if you want to play volleyball competitively, then you better get the knowledge on what it takes to play. This knowledge will take you far.
Excellent tips for volleyball or embarking on any sport. I must share these with my daughter’s volleyball team. Also, I’ll have to share with the parents whom I think will benefit greatly by reading this.
Hi Stephanie, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful. Very happy to know that you are thinking about sharing this with your daughter’s volleyball team and some of the volleyball parents. Thanks a lot!
Hi S Hari! Great post! I think these tips can be useful in a lot of areas in life or careers! When I was a small child I wanted to be a ballet dancer, but I had no idea what it would take to become a ballerina. It would have taken classes, which are expensive. I would have need hour on hour of practice. I also would have needed the right body for ballet dancing and I have scoliosis. I would not be able to become a ballet dancer with that back. I now know all the things now that I’m older.
Hi Charli D, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful. Although your dreams of becoming a ballerina was taken away due to your physical challenges, It feels fantastic to know that now you have a pretty good idea of what it takes to achieve it.
This is such a great post. My sister’s daughter plays volleyball but not in a competitive way, she just plays basic. This information is good for those who wish to move forward to playing competitive volleyball.
Hi LisaLisa, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful. Happy to know that your sister’s daughter plays volleyball. Convey my best wishes to her!
That’s solid advice to have novices talk to skilled players. Experience is a great teacher but it’s nice to have mentors along the way.
Hi Rosey, thanks for your thoughtful comment. I completely agree with your points. Having mentors is truly a blessing to successfully play any competitive team sport.
Competitive play is a whole different story. Great insight and tips on starting out for beginners. It’s really important to prioritize recovery and training for sports to avoid injury.
Hi Tammy, thanks for your thoughtful comment. I totally agree with your points. Rest/recovery and training are the 2 most important things to successfully play competitive volleyball for a long time.
Thanks for the heads-up! It’s crucial to understand the game before diving into competitive volleyball.
Hi Lavanda, thank you very much for your encouraging comment. I totally agree with you and when you do that, it becomes that much easier to shine in a competitive volleyball setting.
I love playing volleyball during the summer season! Although I always feel uncertain about my technique! It was also interesting to learn about the first Olympic winner. Great post!
Hi Alina, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful. Happy to know that you love to play volleyball during the summer days. For improving your technique in volleyball, I would recommend you to watch competitive volleyball matches, learn through YouTube and practice whenever you find time.
Competitive volleyball seems so fun yet I’ve never tried! I can imagine how seriously strength and endurance training needs to be taken to play at pro level!
Hi Jodie, thanks for your comment. Strength and endurance training are the 2 things that’ll get you far in competitive volleyball.
I think it is so important to fully prepare yourself about what to expect! Playing a professional sport takes a lot of dedication and stamina so making sure you are ready is imperative.
Hi Yeah Lifestyle, thanks for your encouraging comment. I totally agree with you. Being prepared to play any competitive sport will get you far in it.
This is great information! My daughter played competitive volleyball and really enjoyed it.
Hi Rachel Mouton, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful. Very happy to know that your daughter played competitive volleyball and really enjoyed it.
Thanks a lot Hari, this is awesome! I love the information and I think they apply to a lot of other sports, they’re the best! Thank you so so much.
Hi karen, thanks for your super encouraging comment. It means a lot. Glad you found the tips in this post applicable for lot of other sports as well.
This is so helpful when it comes to what to expect when you start playing volleyball more seriously! Thank you for sharing.
Hi Jupiter Hadley, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful.
Volleyball is such a fun sport. My cousin has a volleyball scholarship in Florida. We’ve been to a few games but we’re 14 hours away too though, hah. Great tips, thank you for sharing.
Hi Elyse, thanks for your comment. I agree that volleyball can be a fun and enjoyable sport. Glad to know that your cousin has a volleyball scholarship in Florida and you’ve been to few of his games. Convey my best wishes to him!
These are great tips! No matter how good you are or how good your opponents have been, heading into competitive play is an entirely different world.
Hi Beth, thanks for your comment. I totally agree with you!
It must be daunting moving from playing volleyball for fun to playing it competitively. This is such a useful read for those wanting to up their game
Hi Samantha Donnelly, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve found this post helpful for players looking to get into competitive volleyball.
This article is incredibly informative! I appreciate the detailed tips on physical conditioning and mental preparation before starting competitive volleyball. The emphasis on proper nutrition and rest is also crucial for maintaining performance and avoiding injuries. As someone new to competitive volleyball, I found the section on setting realistic goals particularly helpful. Thank you for sharing these valuable insights!
Hi Jaishree, thanks for your encouraging comment. Glad you found this post helpful. Very happy to know that you are getting into competitive volleyball. All the very best!