1. These are all really helpful comments. My favorite is “focus on the process, not just the outcome”. I say a version of this to my children all the time. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Andrea, thanks for your comment. Very happy to know that!

  2. As a volleyball parent, this blog post really resonated with me. It’s so important to provide encouragement and support to our children as they navigate the world of sports. These 10 things are great reminders of how to positively impact our child’s experience in volleyball. Thank you for sharing these important insights!

    1. Hi Nicole, thanks for your encouraging words. Glad you found this post helpful. Very happy to know that you are also a volleyball parent.

  3. Totally agree. Mainly with the statement “go out there and have fun”. Having fun is more important than winning. It is so important for the little people to be comfortable. And they will be good at what ever they enjoy!

    1. Hi Monica, thank you so very much! Yes, when the parents support, their child will excell in whatever sport they like!

  4. There are a lot of amazing things there every child should hear growing up!
    Especially loved “Focus on the Process, Not Just the Outcome” – Trust the process. You are exactly where you need to be at that moment 🙂

  5. I love this! Positive reinforcement goes a long way. My favorite saying in this post is “focus on the process not the outcome” and “celebrate the successes of others”. Every parent needs to read this post!

    1. Hi Karen Kasberg, thanks for your encouraging comment. Glad you found this post helpful for volleyball parents!

  6. Emphasizing effort matters. These kids are putting in a lot to get results and the hard work is just as important as being in the games.

    1. Hi Rosey, thanks for your compassionate comment. I completely agree with your points.

  7. these are all great things to hear from a parent. but love the ‘I am proud of you’. kids should hear that more often

    1. Hi Natasha mairs, thanks for your comment. I am proud of you is a powerful statement for sure.

    2. These are all valid lesson to teach our kids no matter their interests. This would make a great post for teaching personal development and good social interaction.

      1. Hi Susan, thanks for your comment. So happy to hear that!

  8. This is an excellent post, and I honestly wish more parents could see it. I’ve witnessed many parents putting too much pressure on their children in sports. I firmly believe in always supporting children and speaking positively. I completely agree with the message to “Have FUN” and “I’m Proud Of You,” which is what I always tell my own children and others.

    1. Hi LisaLisa, thanks for your encouraging comment. I totally agree with your points. When parents support their kids in sports, they’ll sore to great heights without the added pressure.

  9. Melanie E says:

    Volleyball is a really great sport for cardio. I need to encourage my girls to play this more. This is really great advice.

    1. Hi Melanie E, thanks for your comment. Glad you are thinking about ask your daughters to start playing volleyball.

  10. These are some great tips! My parents were always supportive of me when it came to me playing volleyball and it does fuel extra motivation! Thanks for sharing

    1. Hi AJ, thanks for your comment. Glad you found these tips very helpful. So happy to know that your parents were always supportive for you playing volleyball.

  11. This is a beautiful, comprehensive list of things we should say to our children who are playing on a volleyball team. This also helps with long-lasting bonds with our children.

    1. Hi Dana, thanks for your comment. I totally agree with your points.

  12. Monika Harrison says:

    My younger daughter just started playing volleyball and needs loads of encouragement. It is a hard sport but she actually chose it so I am hoping she is going to stick with it. Thanks for all the suggestions, it will help me to encourage her and we will see. Great post

    1. Hi Monika Harrison, thanks for your comment. Very happy to know that your younger daughter started playing volleyball. Encouragement from parents goes a long way towards developing as a good player in volleyball. Convey my best wishes to her!

  13. Yours I agree whatever we do we should enjoy and have fun. You shared some amazing tips.

    1. Hi Khush, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the tips helpful.

  14. Being supportive and encouraging with children in all aspects is so important

    1. Hi Kira, thanks for your comment. I completely agree with you!

  15. Melissa Cushing says:

    Love this post and it is perfect for anyone who’s kid is playing volleyball for sure. I always enjoyed this sport in gym class.

    1. Hi Melissa Cushing, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the tips in this post helpful for volleyball parents. Happy to know that you enjoyed the sport during your gym classes.

  16. It is always good to be supportive when it comes to your kids, and in the sports world. These are great things to focus on.

    1. Hi Marysa, thanks a lot for your encouraging comment. Glad you found these things important for volleyball parents to focus on.

  17. Lavanda Michelle says:

    Spot on! As volleyball parents, nurturing confidence, fun, and resilience in our young players is paramount.

    1. Hi Lavanda Michelle, thanks for your comment. I totally agree with your points! Those things are very important for volleyball parents to nurture in the minds of their young athletes.

  18. Words of encouragement are so important in any sport and even off the court during those developmental years especially! Building confidence and encouraging new challenges is how you keep the momentum going!

    1. Hi Tammy, thanks for your valuable comment. Your points are so true and I wholeheartedly agree with them!

  19. Rhian Scammell says:

    I love how the first two are about being proud and having fun. I guess with any sport you’d worry about putting too much pressure on your kids so these are nice ones to highlight x

    1. Hi Rhian Scammell, thanks for your thoughtful comment. Totally agree with your points! Words of encouragement is always helpful for volleyball players and if it comes from their parents, it surely takes them to greater hights!

  20. These are great tips! As a mother of a track & field student athlete, it’s so important to be supportive & encourage your child.

    1. Hi Jen, thanks for your thoughtful comment. Glad you found these tips helpful. So happy to know that you are a mom to a track and field student athlete. Convey my best wishes!

  21. Great tips here for parents! I bet anyone with a child who plays volleyball will really love this! Loved reading it!

    1. Hi adriana, thanks for your comment. Glad you found these tips helpful for volleyball parents and you enjoyed reading the post.

  22. I love this post—super informative! It’s wonderful to see how you emphasize the emotional support parents can offer their kids in sports, especially something as dynamic as volleyball. Building confidence with positive affirmations can truly make a difference in their performance and overall enjoyment of the game. Looking forward to reading your tips on what to say to inspire and uplift young athletes!

    1. Hi Ann, thanks for your encouraging comment. It means a lot. I totally agree with your points! It is so very important for volleyball parents to provide emotional support for their young athletes.

  23. I’m proud of you is a big one. That’s one you say when the kids do well and ESPECIALLY when they don’t. If you don’t say anything else, say that.

    1. Hi Ben, thanks for your comment. I totally agree with you! I am proud of you is a massive confident booster for young athletes.

  24. This article provides such valuable advice for volleyball parents! I found the emphasis on encouragement and positive reinforcement particularly insightful. It’s crucial to support our children and help them build confidence on and off the court. Thank you for sharing these tips!

    1. Hi Jais, thanks for your encouraging comment. Completely agree with you! Glad to know that you found the info in this post helpful for volleyball parents.

  25. Things every parent should say to their child more like. Words of encouragement and support are so important to kids developing their skills and putting work into something they enjoy.

    1. Hi Tammy, thanks for your comment. I totally agree with you. Words of encouragement is super important for kids.

  26. Great tips for any parents with kids who play! I think this applies in a way for all athletic kids too!

    1. Hi adriana, thanks for your comment. I am glad that you found the tips in this post helpful for volleyball parents and sports parents in general.

  27. These are all great prompts to say to your kids anytime no matter what they are doing. Being supportive and letting them know no matter what you are there for them is so important

    1. Hi Samantha Donnelly, thanks for your comment. I completely agree with your points! So true!

  28. Nice.. good encouraging words to tell the kids ..

  29. This is such a wonderful post! I’m not a parent yet but I find this is so incredibly helpful. It’s always great to be reminded of the powerful impact our words have on children. I love these affirming phrases – they are so encouraging and uplifting! Thank you for sharing 💗

    1. Hi Jasmine, thanks for your encouraging words. Glad you found these statements helpful for volleyball parents.

      1. Best Compliments to boost the confidence of our kids and to build sportsmanship.

  30. Melanie E says:

    It is important to be supportive of your kids no matter what sport they do. This is all great advice.

    1. Hi Melanie E, thanks for your comment. Glad you found these tips helpful.

  31. This is a helpful post for volleyball parents. It’s so important to encourage your children in any endeavour they choose. Your tips are always appreciated.

    1. Hi Lisa, thanks for your encouraging comment. Glad you found the tips in this post helpful for volleyball parents.

  32. I loooooooove these so much…I believe in you, I am proud of you, these words make magic for sure. Great idea.

    1. Hi karen, thanks for your cheerful comment. I totally agree with you! Those 2 statements can have super positive impact in the minds of young athletes.

  33. Encouragement and making sure they are having fun means so much to children. Telling them you are proud of them and that you just want them to do their best is definitely the way to go.

    1. Hi Yeah Lifestyle, thanks for your comment. I 100% agree with your point! Encouragement from parents mean a lot to kids.

    1. Hi Mow Debnath, thanks for your comment. I completely agree with you!

  34. Your words really do encourage and effect children! Thank you for sharing these phrases and their importance.

  35. “Have fun” and “I’m proud of you” are the two best things you could ever say to a kid in any sport. Sports can be so stressful. We should always be sources of calm and comfort to our child athletes.

    1. Hi Beth, thanks for your thoughtful comment. Glad you found the statements in the post helpful. I completely agree with you. Sports can be stressful at times and parents could be the calming influence for young athletes.

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