1. This was so interesting! Great blog post.

  2. Hari, I’ve learned so much via this post. I’ve always found volleyball to be a fun sport to play and watch. It was one of the highlights of physical education class, and as an adult I enjoy a recreational game of beach volleyball every and then. But I didn’t know much of the history, variations and progressions of the game, until I read this post!

    1. Hi Adam, thanks a lot for your kind words. I am so glad to know that you play volleyball and learned some things about the sport through this post.

  3. I have tickets to see the Volleyball in the Paris Olympics later this year. I’ve bookmarked this post to give myself a refresher before I go!

    1. Hi Lou, thanks for your comment. Very happy to know that you have tickets to watch the volleyball matches in Paris Olympics this year. It’ll surely be an amazing memory. All the very best!

  4. Melanie E says:

    Volleyball is a really great sport. I haven’t played in years but it is really good fun and a great form of exercise. It was interesting to read the facts you included.

    1. Hi Melanie E, thanks for your comment. Glad you found these facts interesting to read. Happy to know that you played volleyball in the past and I agree that it’s a great exercise for the body.

  5. Volleyball certainly has an interesting history! I had no idea there was so many fascinating things in volleyball over the years.

    1. Hi Marysa, thanks for your comment. Volleyball does have a very rich history and the sport beeing played over 14 decades.

  6. Melissa Cushing says:

    You always have such fun to read and informative volleyball posts. I appreciate these tips and will be back for more!

    1. Hi Melissa Cushing, thanks for your encouraging comment. Glad you found the posts informative and enjoyable to read.

  7. Paula Richie says:

    Like learning about the Libero position – cool that they have a different jersey and specialize in defense.

    1. Hi Paula Richie, thanks for your comment. Glad you enjoyed learning about the Libero position in volleyball.

    1. Hi Jacqie Naya, thanks for your comment. Glad you learned some facts about volleyball from this post.

  8. Tracy McHugh says:

    Wow. So much I didn’t know about volleyball. I had no idea the fastest serve was 138 KMPH. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Tracy McHugh, thanks for your appreciative comment. Glad you’ve learned some new facts about volleyball.

  9. So much I didn’t know about volleyball. I have to say though it is now one of my favorite Olympic events to watch. Thanks for sharing all these interesting facts!

    1. Hi Tammy, thank you so very much for your comment. Glad you learned some interesting facts about volleyball in Olympic games.

  10. This was a really interesting read. I had no idea that volleyball was exclusively indoors at one time!

    1. Hi Beth, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve enjoyed reading this post.

  11. Rhian Scammell says:

    I had no idea volleyball was the third most popular sport. I don’t think it’s anywhere near that popular in the UK which is a shame x

    1. Hi Rhian Scammell, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve learned some new facts about volleyball from this post. It may be true that volleyball isn’t that popular in the UK but one thing I’d like to tell you is that it’s getting there.

  12. These are awesome!!! I had no idea the Volleyball was invented in 1896, this is awesome. I love these facts…

    1. Hi Karen, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve learned some interesting facts about volleyball from this post.

  13. These really are some interesting facts! I really don’t know much about volleyball at all so this is cool to read!

    1. Hi adriana, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve learned some interesting facts about volleyball from this post and enjoyed reading it.

  14. marie Cris Angeles says:

    This is interesting information. My sister started her journey as a volleyball player, I will share this with her.

    1. Hi marie Cris Angeles, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the facts interesting to read and deciding to share it with your sister. Convey my best wishes to her!

  15. It is very surprising that Volleyball was actually an indoor sport! I guess it does make sense though.

    1. Hi Jupiter Hadley, thanks for your comment. Yes, volleyball was once an indoor only sport.

  16. My children have played volleyball at school in their PE lessons and have really been enjoying it. Although not quite as popular as basketball, I think volleyball is a fun sport to play and it is enjoyable to watch too.

    1. Hi Yeah Lifestyle, thanks for your comment. Yes, volleyball is a fun sport to play and watch. Very happy to know that your children played volleyball during their school days and really enjoyed the sport.

  17. I have seen volleyball being played but never truly understood the rules before. This post is helpful for those wanting to be involved in the game

    1. Hi Samantha Donnelly, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the post helpful for volleyball players. Happy to know that you’ve seen volleyball matches.

  18. That’s really a very informative post about volleyball. I had no clue about it before.

    1. Hi Khush, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post informative.

  19. Wow, there is so much I didn’t know about this sport, a fascinating read. Understanding that defensive position you’re describing really changes how I perceive the game the next time I see one on tv. Thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Ben, thanks for your encouraging comment. Glad you found the post pretty interesting to read and you’ve learned about the defensive position in volleyball.

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