1. These are great basics for all players to know! Love this post!

  2. This article is incredibly helpful! A beginner volleyball player will be more prepared to avoid these common mistakes during their next match.

    1. Hi Catherine Kay, thank you very much! Glad you found the tips in this post helpful for beginner volleyball players.

  3. Thank you for this ultimate guide on avoiding common mistakes during a match as beginner volleyball players. I really appreciate the negative frame of mind right before it’s the player’s turn to serve tip. A positive, clear head is so important!

    1. Hi Debbie, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the tips in this video helpful for beginner volleyball players.

  4. This is a great guide for beginning volleyball players on how they can avoid common mistakes. Thanks for sharing your expertise!

    1. Hi Crysti, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the tips in this post helpful for beginner volleyball players.

  5. Thanks for sharing these tips about avoiding volleyball mistakes for beginners. I could have used these tips when I played volleyball as a teen. You give great volleyball advice!

    1. Hi Lisa, thanks for your encouraging comment. Glad you found the tips in this post helpful for beginner volleyball players. Very happy to know that you played volleyball during your younger days.

    1. Hi Niharika Verma, thank you very much! Glad you found this post helpful.

  6. Volleyball is a game I like watching but I have never played. You have shared some excellent tips for a newbie.

    1. Hi NAYNA KANABAR, Thanks for your comment. Glad you found the tips in this post helpful for new volleyball players. Happy to know that you love watching volleyball matches.

  7. I bet these really are some helpful tips for anyone who plays! Good job with this one!

    1. Hi adriana, thank you so very much for your kind words!

    1. Hi Jupiter Hadley, thanks for your encouraging comment. Glad you found the post helpful for beginner volleyball players.

  8. This is a very helpful and informative post for those new to volleyball. I’ve never played it before but keen to give it a go.

    1. Hi Elizabeth Williams, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the post helpful for beginner volleyball players. Very happy to know that you want to give volleyball a try. All the best!

  9. Volleyball is huge at our high school. The girls are so into it and I love it because they work on keeping their grades up so they can stay on the team!

    1. Hi Rosey, thanks for your comment. Glad to know that volleyball is very popular in your high school and the girls are invested in it. Convey my best wishes to them!

  10. This blog post not only recognizes your enthusiasm but also provides invaluable insights into the common mistakes to avoid as a beginner volleyball player. The emphasis on understanding nuances, like the libero wearing a distinct jersey, showcases the depth of knowledge shared. It’s a must-read guide for anyone aspiring to be a standout player in their team.

    1. Hi Sue-Tanya Mchorgh, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful for beginner volleyball players.

  11. Thank you for sharing these beginner tips. i know nothing about volleyball so they are very helpful to new people like me!

    1. Hi Lisa, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful for beginner volleyball players.

  12. Stephanie says:

    There are so many technical skills in volleyball one must learn. Thanks for sharing the common mistakes new players may make!

    1. Hi Stephanie, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the post helpful.

  13. Marie Cris Angeles says:

    Thank you for always giving us a very helpful reminder. My sister enjoys reading this always.

    1. Hi Marie Cris Angeles, thanks for your encouraging comment. Glad your sister enjoys reading the posts.

  14. I can see how trying to do everything yourself could be a roadblock for a beginner. You’re just so excited to be out there, but you have to remember that there are other positions for a reason.

    1. Hi Ben, thanks for your thoughtful comment. I completely agree with you.

  15. There really is so much to think about when learning to play Volleyball. I never knew there was so much to learn

    1. Hi Samantha Donnelly, thanks for your comment. I completely agree with you that there are a lot of things one needs to learn when they want to start playing volleyball. Having a sound knowledge in basics would be ideal as well.

  16. Great tips! As a beginner in volleyball, these are super helpful. The advice is clear and easy to understand. Excited to apply these tips in my next match! Thanks!

    1. Hi Monidipa Dutta, thanks for your appreciative comment. Very happy to know that you are a beginner volleyball player and you found the tips in this post helpful. You are welcome to apply the tips in your next match and let me know how it whent. All the very best in your playing journey!

  17. I never played volleyball but I love watching the game. These tips you shared are really so helpful for volleyball players.

    1. Hi Khush, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve found the tips in this post helpful for volleyball players.

  18. The advice about avoiding a negative mindset before serving is genius—I’ll make sure my little player keeps the focus on the game, not the pressure.

  19. You are very knowledgeable in this topic. The tips are excellent for those who participate in this sport.

  20. It’s hard getting into something new and it can also be quite intimidating. Great post and tips for beginners!

    1. Hi Tammy, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful. I agree that getting into something new can be scary but if you push pass the initial fear, it can be an awesome experience.

  21. This is very helpful! My daughter has started to play volleyball at school so I will share this with her to help her.

    1. Hi Luna S, thanks for your comment. Glad you find the tips in this post helpful. Very happy to know that your daughter started playing volleyball in her school. Convey my best wishes to her!

  22. You’re a great teacher so I know that your tips are sound! I have never played but I feel confident knowing what mistakes not to make.

    1. Hi Lisa, thank you so much for your appreciative comment. Glad you found the tips helpful. Very happy to know that you are thinking to play volleyball. All the very best!

  23. This post addresses a crucial aspect often overlooked by beginners – common mistakes to avoid during a match. By discussing the mistakes in a detailed manner, the post demonstrates a commitment to helping newcomers navigate the challenges of the game.

    1. Hi Sue-Tanya Mchorgh, thanks a lot for your appreciative comment. Glad you found this post helpful.

  24. Rhian Scammell says:

    I think I would make pretty much all of these mistakes as a beginner as I’m just not used to team sports haha. But some great ideas on how to try and avoid them x

    1. Hi Rhian Scammell, thanks for your comment. Glad you found this post helpful. I know that most beginners won’t be aware of these mistakes to avoid during the match and I am happy that the post helped you get a clear idea on them.

  25. Marie Cris Angeles says:

    All this information is very helpful. I’m not a sporty type but my sister played volleyball in their school. I will share all these with her.

    1. Hi Marie Cris Angeles, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the information in this post helpful. Very happy to know that your sister played volleyball in her high school days.

  26. This is such a helpful guide for those who are just starting out in Volleyball! Thank you for sharing your experience and advise.

    1. Hi Jupiter Hadley, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the post helpful for beginner volleyball players.

  27. I think that you are right. A positive mindset throughout is really so very important!

    1. Hi Yeah Lifestyle, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the post helpful. A positive mindset helps a team to succeed effortlessly and aids them come out of any challenging match situation that they happen to find themselves at.

  28. These are excellent tips. Pressure, in particular, can be a huge roadblock for any beginner. It can really derail them!

    1. Hi Beth, thanks for your thoughtful comment. Glad you found the tips in this post helpful. I totally agree that pressure can be a stumbling block for many new volleyball players and not letting it get to them is the challenging part that they have to master.

  29. This is awesome! I would love to practice Volleyball, this is such a fun game…I will give it a shot in the summer, can’t wait.

    1. Hi Karen, thanks for your comment. Glad you found the post helpful. So happy that you’ve decided to give volleyball a try and practice the sport in summer. All the very best!

  30. This site is quickly becoming my ‘go-to’ site for all things volleyball. The articles contain invaluable information for me as my children are just starting volleyball.

    1. Hi Steph G, thanks a lot for your appreciative comment. It means the world to me. Glad you found the information in the posts valuable. So thrilled to know that your children are starting to play volleyball. All the very best to them in their playing journey!

  31. Although I have never played Volleyball before, I am finding your posts informative and written in a way I can understand

    1. Hi Samantha Donnelly, thanks for your appreciative comment. I am glad that you are finding my posts helpful and you are able to understand volleyball easily by reading them. It truly means a lot!

  32. Wow! This post definitely brought me back to the good days! I was an avid volleyball player, who played year-round on my school team and a competitive travel team for almost a decade. This was really great post! I wish I could have read this back when I started playing

    1. Hi AJ, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve found this post valuable. Very happy to know that you were a volleyball player for a decade and you played year round. That’s an awesome feet to achieve. Congratulations!

  33. volleyball is a good game and it needs teamwork through communicating with other players and going with the same spirit.

    1. Hi Lydiah, thanks for your thoughtful comment. I completely agree with your points. Volleyball is a team sport and communication and playing with the same spirit is key to succeeding as a team.

  34. This was a refreshing read! I have never played so these are great pieces of advice that I can use if I ever decide to change that!

    1. Hi Victoria, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve found this post helpful. Definitely give volleyball a try, and you’ll love it for sure!

    1. Hi Melanie O’Brien, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve found this post helpful.

  35. I played volleyball only when I was a schoolgirl. By the way great post, thank you for sharing.

    1. Hi Yufi Mukut, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve enjoyed the post. Happy to know that you played volleyball when you were a school girl.

  36. These are helpful things to keep in mind as a player. I think communication on the volleyball court is certainly an important thing for success of the team.

    1. Hi Debbie, thanks for your comment. Glad you enjoyed the post. Can’t agree more that communication is key on the volleyball court. In fact, it is the life blood to the success of the team.

  37. Very helpful list of common mistakes in volleyball. I’m definitely a beginner level and only play casually – these are very great and helpful tips!

    1. Hi Andrew james, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve found this post useful. No matter what level you play in volleyball, it is truly an awesome sport.

  38. I don’t play volleyball usually but I did recently and I found it very difficult. I went searching for these tips to improve next time. Thank you.

    1. Hi Eva, thanks for your comment. Glad to know that you’ve recently played volleyball. Although the sport feels difficult at the beginning, trust me you’ll enjoy playing it after some time. All the very best!

  39. I joined a volleyball league as an adult but everyone’s skill level was much higher than mine, and I felt very intimidated! I’m guilting of many of the infractions listed above. IT’s a fun sport, I think I just need to find other beginners!

    1. Hi Lucie, thanks for your comment. I totally agree that volleyball can be a fun sport. So happy to know that you’ve joined a volleyball league. You don’t have to get intimidated by the other’s skill level in the volleyball league. All you got to remember is, they too started as beginners at one point in their journey and perfected the skills through continuous practice. If you do the same, you’ll become equal to their skill level and who knows, you may exceed theirs! As you said, find some beginners and keep practicing! All the very best in your volleyball playing journey!

  40. Very helpful list of common mistakes in volleyball. I’m definitely a beginner level and only play casually – these are very great and helpful tips!

    1. Hi Debbie, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve found this post helpful. Happy to know that you play volleyball even if its casual level and looking to improve your skills. All the very best!

      1. Hi Anthuwin Cupido, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve found this post helpful.

  41. This is a wonderful guide – so comprehensive and informative! I’ve always loved volleyball. It’s a fun sport and great for building community!!

    1. Hi Courtney, thanks for your comment. Glad you’ve found this guide helpful and comprehensive. I totally agree that volleyball is a fun sport and one that has the capacity to build strong communities.

  42. Whitney Stewart says:

    This post brought back so much memories for me! I used to play volleyball in middle school and then in my freshman year of high school. It was a lot of fun and I had no idea about a few of these mistakes and how to correct them. But I wish I did! Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Hi Whitney Stewart, thanks for your comment. Glad to know that the post has brought back some pleasant memories. Very happy that you’ve played volleyball in your middle school and freshman year of high-school. I feel great that you’ve learned some useful things out of this post. All the very best!

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